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YU Denver Summer Kollel 2013

YU Denver Summer Kollel 2013 has come to an end.
Stay turned for information on Summer Kollel 2014.

Show Your Support for the Kollel

Please consider making a donation
toward the YU Summer Kollel expenses
through the
"Donate" link at the top of this page,
earmarking your donation for the "YU Summer Kollel."

Another way to support the Kollel is to write a check to "DAT Minyan"
with "Summer Kollel" in the Memo section,
and leave the check in the DAT Minyan box in the DAT Office,
or mail the check to 6825 E. Alameda Ave., Denver, CO 80224.

Your support allows us to continue making
this kind of programming possible.

Your donation will be announced
and recognized in print and online.

Thank you in advance for your support.
Your donation enables us to continue to bring this excellent program to our city.
We look forward to an exciting four weeks of Torah learning
in the Denver Jewish Community.

Thank You!

We would like to thank Yeshiva University
and the staff at YU's Center for the Jewish Future
for all their hard work and dedication in helping make Kollel 2013 a reality.

We would also like to thank Dr. Terry Samuel of our Shul,
as well as Shlomo Fried of EDOS,
for their tremendous help in putting together the Summer Kollel program.

Thank you to the following for chairing YU Kollel Committees:
Brent Eisen - Transportation;
Anna Levin Shohat and Jessica Zalkin - Meals;
Rivka Gross - Children's accessories

Thank you to the following families for hosting Shiurim:
Bean, Bublil, Scott and Devorah Friedman, Shohat, Salehrabi, Zazulia, and Zussman
Sun, January 19 2025 19 Tevet 5785