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Got Talent?

A community is only as good as the effort, talent, inspiration and involvement of its members.  YI Denver prides itself on the energetic volunteer efforts of its membership which enhance all aspects of our shul. Do you have a special skill or interest you would like to utilize on behalf of the shul? Please consider joining or supporting one of our many committees: Facilities, Fundraising, Kiddush, Membership, Programming, Youth, or anything else you are passionate about! Please contact us at

Be A Minyan Maker

Calling our male members over 13 years of age! Please join the Shul's Minyan Maker WhatsApp group in case we need you! Email the office and ask to be included in the Minyan WhatsApp group; please remember to include your name and cell phone number.  Thank you for being a Minyan Maker! 


Can you lein?

We thank all of those who contribute to our Shabbat and week-day Torah reading by signing up to assist with weekly leining. We greatly encourage teens to participate too! All able leiners are encouraged to volunteer! In addition, with a goal of expanding our roster of Haftarah readers, we have now opened up the weekly Haftarah portions for sign-up as well.

To sign-up for leining, please click here. 

Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785