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Adult Education

Our shul prides itself on numerous Torah learning opportunities throughout the week for individuals of all backgrounds. 

Please join us at any of the following classes and shiurim and check our weekly newsletter or online calendar for current information. 

Check out our MP3 library for additional audio shiurim. 


  • Mishna Berura Shiur Shabbat at 8:35am. 

SHAWL - Shabbat Afternoon Women's Learning (During DST) Shiurim are usually 2 hours before Mincha and feature different teachers each week. Special programming arranged throughout the year with visiting Scholars In Residence or multi-week series consist of 2-6 classes on a specific topic.  Women are invited to teach and participate. For more information or to be included in the weekly SHAWL email updates, please email Rachel Rabinovitch

Scholar-In-Residence - Shabbatonim and special programs - YI Denver hosts numerous SIRs throughout the year for fascinating shiurim, lectures, and conversations. 

Thu, October 17 2024 15 Tishrei 5785