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Thank you to everyone who came to our 
Hachnassat Sefer Torah!

We are so fortunate to have the entire community come together to celebrate this special night! 


A sincere thank you and Hakarat Hatov to Mark Raphaely, Rabbi Shmuel Halpern, Dr. Jonathan Fishman and Rabbi Menachem Siderson for their leadership in making this night a fun and inspiring success.



In the two decades since its founding, Torah study has been central to DAT Minyan’s essence. We are a community committed to acquiring knowledge and passing it on to the next generation.

A Torah is so much more than a collection of beautifully crafted letters on parchment.  It's a moral compass that guides us, and if we take the charge to protect it and share its beauty with our children and grandchildren, we can ensure the continuity of our people for generations to come.

The time has come for us to perform one of the most beautiful mitzvot:  

We need to write a Torah of our very own.

It's time for our community to heed the call and unite in performing the most unique of mitzvot. It’s time for us to fortify the bond that exists between ourselves and every Jew that has come before us. It’s time for us to show our children and our grandchildren what l’dor va dor truly means.


Sefer Torah Dedication

If you have multiple dedications and wish to specify different names for each, please identify the dedications here along with the name(s)


Dedication Opportunities

Daily Cover Booked
High Holidays Cover Open Register Now
Shalosh Regalim Cover Booked
Breast Plate Open Register Now
Atzei Chaim / Handles Booked
Keter / Crown Open Register Now
Yad / Pointer Open Register Now
Sefer Bereishit Booked
Sefer Shmot Booked
Sefer Vayikra Booked
Sefer Bamidbar Booked
Sefer Devarim Booked
Section Ten Commandments Booked
Section Creation Booked
Section 13 Attributes of Mercy Open Register Now
Section Hamalach Hagoel Booked
Section Manna Open Register Now
Section Yitchak's Beracha to Yaakov Booked
Section Mah Tovu Open Register Now
Section Az Yashir Booked
Section Birkat Kohanim Booked
Section Ani Hashem Rofecha Open Register Now
Section Akeidat Yitzchak Open Register Now
Section Moshe's Prayer for Miriam's Healing Open Register Now
Parasha Bereishit Booked
Parasha Noach Booked
Parasha Lech Lecha Booked
Parasha Vayera Booked
Parasha Chayei Sarah Booked
Parasha Toldot Booked
Parasha Vayetze Booked
Parasha Vayishlach Open Register Now
Parasha Vayeshev Booked
Parasha Miketz Open Register Now
Parasha Vayigash Open Register Now
Parasha Vayechi Booked
Parasha Shemot Booked
Parasha Va'era Open Register Now
Parasha Bo Booked
Parasha Beshalach Booked
Parasha Yitro Booked
Parasha Mishpatim Open Register Now
Parasha Terumah Booked
Parasha Tetzaveh Booked
Parasha Ki Tisa Booked
Parasha Vayakhel Booked
Parasha Pekudei Open Register Now
Parasha Vayikrah Open Register Now
Parasha Tzav Open Register Now
Parasha Shemini Booked
Parasha Tazria Open Register Now
Parasha Metzorah Booked
Parasha Acharei Mot Open Register Now
Parasha Kedoshim Open Register Now
Parasha Emor Open Register Now
Parasha Behar Booked
Parasha Bechukotai Open Register Now
Parasha Bamidbar Open Register Now
Parasha Naso Open Register Now
Parasha Behaalotecha Open Register Now
Parasha Shelach Open Register Now
Parasha Korach Open Register Now
Parasha Chukat Booked
Parasha Balak Open Register Now
Parasha Pinchas Open Register Now
Parasha Matot Open Register Now
Parasha Massei Open Register Now
Parasha Devarim Open Register Now
Parasha Ve'etchanan Booked
Parasha Eikev Booked
Parasha Re'eh Open Register Now
Parasha Shoftim Booked
Parasha Ki Teitzei Open Register Now
Parasha Ki Tavo Booked
Parasha Nitzavim Open Register Now
Parasha Vayelech Open Register Now
Parasha Ha'azinu Open Register Now
Parasha Vezot Habracha Open Register Now
Aliyah Register Now
Pasuk / Verse Register Now
Word Register Now
Letter Register Now


Tue, March 4 2025 4 Adar 5785